Thompson & Morgan Dianthus P. Ipswich Pinks Mixed
In stock and ready to go. Our couriers will be in touch with you to arrange delivery. If you have a specific delivery question please let us know.
Perfect for the cottage garden, border or rock garden. Ground smothering weed suppressors, they remain evergreen. Floriferous and fragrant, they are welcome cut flowers.
Sowing Information:
SOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Sow in good free draining seed sowing compost from February to late June just covering the seed with compost. Germination takes 7-14 days at 18-20°C (65-70°F), after which the temperature should be dropped to 13-18°C (55-60°F).
Growing Information:
GROWING INSTRUCTIONS: When large enough to handle transplant the seedlings to boxes or 7.5cm (3in) pots, grow well ventilated and well lit. When well rooted in their pots, gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions and plant out 30cm (12in) apart in full sun and well-drained soil.
Aftercare Information:
Most pinks have a pleasant spicy, floral clove-like taste. Ideal for decorating or adding into cakes, or as a colourful garnish to soups salads and the punch bowl. Remove white heel at petal base as this tastes bitter. Write to us for a free leaflet with recipes for a wide range of edible flowers
- Range: Premium Perennials
- Category: Flower
- Hardiness: Hardy
- Longevity: Perennial
- Flowering Period: May to September
- Harvesting Period: -
- No of Seeds: 100
- Measured By: Seed