Thompson & Morgan Evening Primrose Sunset Boulevard
In stock and ready to go. Our couriers will be in touch with you to arrange delivery. If you have a specific delivery question please let us know.
Vivid orange/red striking flowers turn to red when fully open. Makes a wonderful addition to the perennial border. Well branched plants, red stemmed with rich green foliage.
Sowing Information:
SOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Sow from late winter to mid spring on the surface of a good seed compost just covering the seed with a thin layer of compost or vermiculite. Germination takes 14-21 days at 10-15°C (50-60°F). Don‚t exclude light, sealing in a polythene bag after sowing is helpful.
Growing Information:
GROWING INSTRUCTIONS: When large enough to handle, transplant the seedlings to boxes or 7.5cm (3in) pots, and grow on in cooler conditions. When well grown gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions and plant out in late spring after all risk of frost has passed, 30cm (12in) apart in full sun and ordinary well drained soil
Aftercare Information:
CULINARY NOTE: Add petals to any salad to add a splash of colour with a lettuce-like flavour. Write to us for a free leaflet with recipes for a wide range of edible flowers.
- Range: Premium Perennials
- Category: Flower
- Hardiness: Hardy
- Longevity: Perennial
- Flowering Period: June to September
- Harvesting Period: -
- No of Seeds: 100
- Measured By: Seed